Most Common Summer Health Problems

May 27, 2021


When people think of illnesses, they often will think of flu season and winter. However, the warm summer months bring their own form of diseases to the table. AFC Urgent Care Short Hills wants you to be safe and healthy this summer. That is why we’re letting you know about possible conditions that we can treat here in our center. Visit us any time you need us; no appointment necessary.

Insect Stings

Many different insects can sting or bite you this summer, from bees and wasps to ticks to fire ants. It’s important to be aware of your surroundings and take proper precautions while outside this season. When in the woods, try and wear close-toe shoes and long pants to avoid any ticks from biting you. Additionally, be sure to check your body for tick bites. They can be as small as poppy seeds, but some may carry Lyme disease.

Bee stings are also extremely common, and it is not always possible to avoid them. However, if you are allergic to bee stings, be sure to always carry an EpiPen on you in case of emergency. If you are stung, and it becomes difficult to breathe, call 911.

Mosquito bites are also extremely common. The only way to avoid getting bit is by avoiding the time of day when they are outside. Be sure to wear mosquito repellant while outside early in the morning or at night.

Heat Exhaustion

Prolonged exposure to heat outside can cause heat exhaustion. While this doesn’t require medical attention on its own, leaving it untreated may lead to heatstroke, which does require medical attention. Heat exhaustion causes dizziness, fatigue, a weak, rapid pulse, and flushed skin. Heat exhaustion mixed with dehydration is what can cause heatstroke. Be sure to drink plenty of water and try to take breaks, and remain cool as much as possible.

Food Poisoning

Food poisoning happens when food is left in warm temperatures for too long. This environment harbors bacteria growth, and it can make you sick if you eat the food later. While cooking, be sure to refrigerate leftovers within 2 hours of cooking. Also, avoid contaminating cooked food with raw foods. Try and wash surfaces and utensils after using them on raw meat, poultry, and seafood.


  • Sunburn happens when a patient is outside for an extended time without any sun protection. Mild burns are very common, and you have likely experienced one in your lifetime. However, in some cases, the sun may be too strong, and more serious burns can develop. Be sure to wear an SPF of at least 15 (30 on your face) throughout the day and frequently reapply after spending time in the water. Wear hats and sunglasses, and take breaks of time outside of the sun when possible.


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